Evolving mindset !

I can recount my naïveté today once I have learnt the potential of the GLP-1 medications (#semaglutide) in helping patients lose weight (#weightloss). It was about 2 years ago I had gone to attend a drug representative dinner. Usually, I do not entertain these occasions but I obliged this time for my girlfriend. As some of you might know as physicians we are constantly being given snippets of information by pharmaceuticals representatives about the new medications. Also, these drug reps invite us to various dinners where a chosen physician talks about a medication or a device. As it happens, 2 years ago we are invited to Perry’s steakhouse (#perryssteakhouse). Prior to each talk, attendees like me can order. I remember sharing some wine with my girlfriend and her colleagues. Thereafter, the talk began. Most of the talk was driven by the powerpoint slides. The physician talking to us was a reputable endocrinologist. This is the first time ever in my life I heard about the GLP-1 (semaglutide) medications and its benefits. He spoke about the advantage it offers diabetic patients in losing weight. I had conveniently pushed it as a marketing gimmick.

So after 2 years, life has come a full circle whereby I’m promoting the same medication which I thought was marketing gimmick. All along for 2 years I had believed that weight loss only be achieved either by lifelong starvation or surgery. My naivete was finally enlightened when I started seeing patients losing weight from the use of GLP-1 medications. Today I feel happy that we have the option of these medications to help patients not just control diabetes but also help them lose weight (#weightloss). I’m fully devoted in helping patients lose weight by starting a new venture – #myzoomclinic#virtualclinic !

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